Thursday, March 28, 2019

Friend Or Foe


I was looking for things to get rid of in my house! Yes, I'm still on the decluttering thing! Oh, wait! I didn't mention this in public! I have pictures! I'm still waiting on the before and after!!! When that will happen? If you could see the face I just made, you would know!!!  Anyway, I found an old floppy disk--though it's really a hard disk/floppy drive thingy. I can't explain it to anyone who isn't technical. I'm technical, but as you can see, I call things "thingies" and "thing-a-majigs". "Whatchamacallit" is another one! Fuggadeboutit! Wait, that's a NY thing!!!

So, I found a poem from 2003, and I was like looking at it going, "What is this shit?" And saying things like, "Why did people lie to me and tell me I'm such a great writer?" 16 years ago was a long time ago!!! Not going to lie, but also not going to reveal how old I was back then! I also found pics from a disposable camera! DISPOSABLE!!!! For those that don't know what that is!!! It's what we had when either our normal cameras were broken, and we couldn't afford a new one!!!

They were shipped off to get developed. Someone else has been looking at our freaking pictures!!! OMG! What in the world! Wait! What am I saying? We post every single damn thing on Instagram and their sister page Facebook!

*ahem* right! The poem!

So, I revised the poem!!!

Friend or Foe

Are they friends or are they foes?
Friends only ever come around
Whenever they need some help;
Anytime they are feeling down

But when you need assistance
It doesn’t matter how you feel
As long as you’re there to help
They will never help you heal

They only want what you got
If not, they leave you astray
You cannot offer them a lot
What you can, they take it away

Are they friends or are they foes?
The company spent tells the shows

They say they’ll always be there,
But never when you need a friend
I can’t let this bother me anymore
I must put all of this to an end!

Diana Jillian

Copyright ©2003 Diana Jillian
6/15/2003 6:28:46 PM Eastern Standard Time
Revised: 3/28/19, Thursday

This is Spock! He's a good boy!

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Writing Again

Saturday, 2.16.19

This is a test to see what happens when going public! This is only a test!!!

I've thought about it for awhile now, but IDK! It might not be my cup of tea. I know there will be things I write about where people will be like who cares? Then there will be others that will question my sanity and tell me to get well!!!  There will be those that will tell me I really shouldn't put myself out there like that!!! But who knows? Maybe there will be someone out there that might be grateful! Maybe they'll be able to relate and not feel so alone the way I always do!

We will see!!!


#patience #trying #negative #testing #startingnew #starting #new
